Seattle, WA


Bachelor of Information Technology (Expected Graduation Date: June 2024)
ABET Accredited Program

University of Washington, WA GPA 3.97


Programing: Python, HTML, CSS, Unity 2D, C#, MySQL, JavaScript, Linux, and Kali Business Tools: Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe XD, and Adobe Photoshop

Projects        April 2023 – June 2023

o Designed an interactive and user-friendly web application to raise funds for the U District community parklet which lead to increased donations.

o Created a prototype using Adobe XD to visualize and fine-tune the application's layout and functionality which solved usability errors early in the development process.

Malwarea Adventure Game Demo        January 2024 – March 2024

o Developed the game using Unity 2D and Visual Studio.

o Created an educational game catered towards kids to teach them about cybersecurity concepts.

o Analyzed user interface elements to best design for our audience.

Linux System Administration        January 2024 – March 2024

o Expertise in SET school's virtual machines, adept at networking for virtual enterprise environments, focusing on access control and distributed systems deployment.

o Proficient in domain services (LDAP, DNS, DHCP), application servers (Apache, MariaDB), and collaboration tools (Bugzilla, SAMBA).


UX Design Intern, TDY Rentals, WA        June 2023 – December 2023

o Designed and developed a client portal, allowing users to calculate their temporary duty allowances conveniently.

o Developed a customer portal for an affiliate program, resulting in an average of 2 new leads each week.

o Managed and maintained the design of the company's webpage, ensuring a user-friendly and visually appealing experience.

Penetration Testing Intern, WorkForce Central, WA        October 2023 – January 2024

o Compiled a list of potential exploits and security vulnerabilities using Burp Suite, Metasploit, Nessus, and various other penetration tools.

o Downloaded Gophish and Zphisher key logger program to create fake email templates that could be sent out to elicit responses from employees using port 465 for SMTP.

o Authored a comprehensive risk assessment report with findings and recommended mitigation strategies for network improvements and higher level of business functionality.